Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Module 5: check.

The end of another class. They seem to go by so fast now. I can't believe Module 6 is next, which is the last module- after that there are 8 or so elective classes you can chose from to study.

From left to right: Mr. Jung, a Korean pastor I've studied with for the past 3 months. Tony and Jay, my Korean buddies. Kozue, the Japanese girl who I've studied with for 3 months as well (I'm sure she looks familiar from past class photos). My cute teacher, who loves to laugh as much as I do (especially at my classmates failed attempts to read properly :). And Selina, the 16yr Chinese girl- who honestly already speaks fluent Thai having lived here for years growing up. She spoke good English too, so I finally had someone in class to joke with and ask for translation when needed. It was fabulous. Strangely enough she lives in the building next to mine (of all the ones in the city, right?). Her mom studied Module 1 at the same time, so we would all ride the bus together to school. She reminded me of the little sister I never had. ;)

Hope Module 6 can compete with this class....I've got high hopes.

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