Friday, April 10, 2009

Lalita (4 months) and Me

Here's a little video of me and Lalita. I recorded her for a while but nothing too interesting happened so this was towards the end.

She is becoming so aware now, it's so fun. She loves to stare at everything! Especially us, she'll just fixate on you and never blink, she never blinks- it's so crazy! The doctor said she's probably close to teething because she's constantly chewing on her fingers and spitting all over like crazy! She loves to smile and laugh. She's just now learning to roll over onto her tummy but she doesn't like being on her tummy for long so she starts to scream because she gets stuck. :-) Hopefully she will learn to roll back over soon!

"Don't mess with my friend!"

Mommy and baby

1 comment:

mary plus vince said...

how adorable is lalita?! that video was so cute! she is seriously such a beautiful little girl! i'm glad you have been able to be with her, being an aunty is the best!